Mazdoor Sahyog Kendra Uttarakhand Organizes First Conference
November 25, 2021(21st November 2021, Rudrapur)
MSK-U organized its first Conference with the call for militant, continuous and decisive working-class struggle. Resolutions against labour codes, privatization, farm laws, oppression on working-class leaders and political activists etc. were passed in it. A new Executive body with ten office bearers was constituted comprising members of various trade unions.
Representatives of various workers’ organizations and political activists participated in the open session viz. Balli Singh Cheema (BKU-Ugrahan Uttarakhand Secretary), Amit (MSK-Gurgaon), Somnath (Jan Sangharsh Manch Haryana), Dinesh (IMK), Santosh (Mazdoor Patrika), Mohit (Desh-Videsh magazine), Ramniwas (Provisional Committee, Maruti Suzuki Workers Union), Sandeep Rauzi (Workers Unity), PC Tiwari (Uttarakhand Parivartan Party), Siddhant (IFTU-Sarwahara) etc.