Long Live Departed Comrade Dharma Bhuiya!

May 15, 2024 0 By Yatharth

Dharma Bhuiya, an active working-class activist and leading member of PRC, CPI (ML), breathed his last at the age of 49 on 5th May 2024 at 12:30 am on the way to the hospital due to brain hemorrhage.

Since his youth, aged about 22 years, Comrade Dharma became associated with revolutionary working-class politics, hailing from a working-class family himself. A strong pillar of our party, he was employed as a contract worker in the Raniganj coal mines (ECL) in West Bengal. Comrade Dharma was a committed communist activist and always kept his personal tasks subordinate to organizational responsibilities. Despite living in difficult circumstances, he was ever ready to take up with utmost responsibility the party’s organizational and political tasks that came up. Comrade Dharma remained active among the workers and tribal masses in his unit and was always present in their times of need.

The loss of Comrade Dharma Bhuiya in these difficult times of fascist onslaught on communists and democratic voices is a big loss for our party and the entire working-class movement. PRC, CPI(ML) pays revolutionary tribute and last salutes to Comrade Dharma Bhuiya and expresses its solidarity and condolences to his family.

On 5th May morning, a funeral procession was taken out from the residence of Comrade Dharma at Real Jambad with his mortal remains covered in the revolutionary red flag of the working class. Leaders and cadres of every region and branch of the Bengal Party as well as IFTU (Sarwahara) were present in the procession and paid their last respects to their beloved comrade, alongside slogans of – Comrade Dharma ko lal salam! Tumhe na bhule hain na bhulenge!

Final red salutes to Comrade Dharma Bhuiya! You will always be remembered in our struggles for a better world free of exploitation and class divisions.

Central Committee,
Proletarian Reorganizing Committee, CPI (ML)

Com Dharma addressing a meeting in Raniganj on the martyrdom day of Bhagat Singh, 23.03.24